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File Last Change
branches/ 6420 (10 years ago) by laffer1: branch moved
release/ 6066 (10 years ago) by laffer1: Move 0.4-RELEASE to the release directory.
stable/ 6769 (9 years ago) by laffer1: 0.4-RELEASE-p15 20140916: Fix a security issue with TCP SYN. When a segment with the SYN flag for an already existing connection arrives, the TCP stack tears down the connection, bypassing a check that the sequence number in the segment is in the expected window.
svnadmin/ 6424 (10 years ago) by laffer1: set props
trunk/ 6771 (9 years ago) by laffer1: fix missing file
vendor/ 6721 (9 years ago) by laffer1: tag perl 5.18.2
vendor-crypto/ 6463 (10 years ago) by laffer1: Tag OpenSSH 6.4p1
7 directories and 0 files shown